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Celebrate by Donating
Celebrating? Consider donating to the WPADB in honor of moms, dads, births, baptisms, naming ceremonies, baby showers, parties, and more!

Looking for a unique yet thoughtful way of honoring a loved one or special occasion?
We love receiving gifts from our loved ones that are different from the run-of-the-mill ideas. That's why we cherish the opportunity to help you honor a special person or make a memorial donation. Not only does this show your loved one you care but it also makes a difference in the lives of babies and toddlers in Western Pennsylvania. ​
More ways to help!
Many companies will match an employee’s volunteer hours or monetary donation with a financial contribution. Check with your employer’s human resource department to see if your company participates in volunteer matching.
Contribute through United Way Donor Option: Enter 1192874490000479 or Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank.
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