The Western Pennsylvania Diaper Bank is now participating in the National Diaper Bank Network’s program the Alliance for Period Supplies supported by U by Kotex. The program provides period products to women of low-income. By providing diapers for their children and period products for the women in their families other resources can be redirected to food, transportation, or savings, program organizers explain.
The products will be distributed through the same 24 WPDB partner agencies in four counties that distribute diapers for babies. “The program extends our commitment to the health and well being of local families,” says Cathy Battle, WPDB executive director.
According to a 2018 U by Kotex survey conducted with YouGov, one in five low-income women report missing work, school or similar events due to lack of access to period supplies. These instances were linked to reported feelings of embarrassment, disappointment and depression.
U by Kotex has provided the Alliance for Period Supplies with an initial donation of 2 million products this year for the nationwide program and is committed to similar donations each year for the next three years of its founding sponsorship. Throughout the year, select retail partners will also team up with U by Kotex to increase that initial commitment, linking purchases of U by Kotex products to an additional donation to reach even more individuals in need.